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Database Monitoring


Always On Always Available

Database monitoring is the process of continuously tracking the performance and availability of a database system, as well as identifying and addressing any issues that may arise. Proper database monitoring is essential for ensuring the smooth operation of an organization's database systems, which are often critical to the functioning of its business.

There are many different aspects to consider when it comes to database monitoring. Some of the key areas to focus on include:

  1. Performance: Monitoring the performance of a database system is crucial for ensuring that it can handle the workload it is subjected to. This includes tracking metrics such as response time, CPU usage, and memory usage.

  2. Availability: It is important to monitor the availability of a database system to ensure that it is always online and ready to handle requests. This includes monitoring for any outages or downtime and taking steps to minimize their impact.

  3. Security: Database security is a crucial aspect of monitoring, as a breach can have serious consequences for an organization. This includes monitoring for unauthorized access attempts and ensuring that proper security protocols are in place and being followed.

  4. Data quality: Ensuring the quality and integrity of the data stored in a database is important for maintaining the accuracy and reliability of the information being used by an organization. This includes monitoring for data corruption or errors and taking steps to fix them.

  5. Capacity: As the volume of data stored in a database grows, it is important to monitor the capacity of the system to ensure that it can handle the increased load. This includes monitoring for signs of resource contention and taking steps to scale the system as needed.

ConnectIT Utilizes our expertise to Suggest and use Monitoring Tools.  We can use client tools or suggest new and industry-established monitoring tools, Or Monitoring using our own process and alerts.

We Monitor the environment for any up-and-down heartbeat situation. It means we monitor the Servers (Windows or Linux) and or Database servers 24/7 listening to a Keep-alive signal(Heartbeat) and will know as the specific Alerts strikes.

We are very well versed in using and managing all types of Database Monitoring Tools, which include and not limited to Solarwinds DPA, Quest Foglight, Ideara Monitoring Tools,  Solarwinds Server and Application Monitor (Orion), Zabbix, Nagios XI.

Example of the Alerts the tools provide and we actively monitor  database alerts on:

  • CPU utilization

  • Memory utilization

  • Connection Statistics

  • Buffer Cache details

  • Query performance

  • Resource pools

  • User sessions

  • Deadlock details

  • System and user errors

  • Query Statistics / Performance


Supported database technologies

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